Client Highlights of 2020

Client Highlights of 2020

I work with so many awesome women entreprenuers. They inspire me daily, encouraging me to think and feel more deeply as I continue on my own journey through business. The last year has brought challenges for everyone in a variety of ways and so I want to share some of...
What’s Your Story, Morning Glory?

What’s Your Story, Morning Glory?

We all have habits that we do without even thinking about them. Getting up at the same time each day, brushing our teeth, drinking tea/coffee, squeezing our partners bum whenever they walk past! We’re creatures of habit and somethings are just so ingrained, we don’t...
Leila Says Relax

Leila Says Relax

As business owners, we can feel often that we have to do it ALL ourselves. Everything is our responsibility, we’ve all the thoughts & ideas swirling around in our brains and it can feel impossible to switch off from our worries. All of the books &...

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